by prasad | Jul 26, 2017 | Events
Efficient doesn’t always mean hard to reach. This rule definitely works for an award planning process. Let us demonstrate how you could save yourself from a world of trouble building each element of the awards contest that you’re setting up from scratch. The winning...
by prasad | Apr 24, 2017 | News
Capterra conducted an independent market survey recently to evaluate event management software around the world and split them up into three categories: Most Popular Most Affordable Most User-friendly We are pleased to announce that at the end of the evaluation… GEVME...
by prasad | Mar 22, 2017 | Marketing
We’ve heard you award organizers. Having gathered your feedback for Judgify and gaining extensive experience over time in the industry to optimize our awards management software, we have created three new award plans to match your industry needs: Basic...
by prasad | Oct 18, 2013 | Marketing
Yesterday was a night of glitter as brands and agencies from all over Asia converge at Marketing Events Awards 2013. Prior to the event, we heard that we have beaten 11 other submissions to be among the 4 Finalists. At the end of the night, we are glad that we went...
by prasad | Oct 18, 2013 | Marketing
Yesterday was a night of glitter as brands and agencies from all over Asia converge at Marketing Events Awards 2013. Prior to the event, we heard that we have beaten 11 other submissions to be among the 4 Finalists. At the end of the night, we are glad that we went...